This year I’m working on getting myself better organized, putting away cards where they should go and cataloging what I have in TCDB.

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Organizing was huge for me! Found so many cards i didn't realize I had.

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Same here…already found a few 1/1 Rey Ordonez I forgot that I had!

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I'm staying the course. The past few years have been eye-opening...especially with this seemingly across-the-board raise in prices for singles since the pandemic. Still coming to grips with $20-30 cards now getting $80-100 asks. I love that I've been around this block enough to realize that I can just sit in this pocket of player collecting that I adore and watch all the other chaos from a distance. I know I'm not getting one of everything, so I don't worry about "missing out" on something. I am way more conscious about how much $$$ I'm putting into my collecting and find (again...through maturity) that I can still get a ton out of cards even if I'm not buying as much. I enjoy seeing what others find for their collections and appreciate when they share via blogs or social media. It's going to be a great year!

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I think you and I have very similar views on this. I learned a long time ago I can never collect everything. So I look for the few cards that really make me feel something and keep an eye out for those.

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Hey, big fan of your writings back to pre your current professional iteration, albeit a meek, passive absorber of your ongoing card explorations.

Curious about an angle of your Jee-tah collecting primacy (and apologies if you have addressed this previously).

As a non-completist collector of a seemingly certain HoF-er, one whose personal reverence for Jeter is unquestioned -- I am primarily a Trout 27/xx fiend; in hand gem-iest is 2009 Bowman Chrome auto 27/225, quite content with a BGS 9 for quality -- curious about whether or not in your Jeter collecting years you experienced big pricing swings for Derek when he was active, based on seasons of varying performance?

Or was his obvious legacy primacy a constant, his cost factors based on mostly the cardboard itself, 1-1s-/RCs/"special" release cards", etc.?

I ask this not for personal greed or self-interest sake -- Trout my forever guy; lack of WS glory a sad certainty :( -- but, my heavens, how his secondary resale market has been collapsing in on itself in these painful no-playing past few years.

Also, for a general reply, if this topic of re-sale valuations is outside your professional strike zone, I thoroughly get that... either way, keep your keen eye and reporting skills coming :)

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Thank you!

Jeter's cards were steady for awhile. In the old Beckett price guides, he was always a "star." The biggest swing came in the pandemic. Rare cards of his went up but more also popped up. I did manage to get a bunch of cards I dont normally see during that time. While it's come down a bit since then, I don't see his carda gaining a lot more value any time soon.

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Lately my collection goal (apart from my PCs--George Brett/Kevin Seitzer/Josh Allen) have been "buy cards that move me"...mostly designs of teams I like that look attractive. But I'd really like to settle down and go back to my first love which is set collecting. But in an era where it's way easier to buy 1 of a billion different 1/1s of someone than it is to find someone who will sell you a random common from 1974, I'm not quite sure how to do it.

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Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I feel like card shows have those vintage dealers. But they're more at established shows. Newer shows probably skew more modern. Have you checked out sportslots or comx?

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This is the year (I really mean it this time) that I focus on set building. The 1976 Topps set is first up!

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Awesome! Have you completed any other sets yet? And why 1975?

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